Author Archives: 6cm_admin

Government measures for Spring Shearing season inadequate

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers MLC Rick Mazza is urging the State Government to provide an exemption for interstate contract shearers to fill a looming shortfall of workers for the spring shearing season. Mr Mazza recently asked a Parliamentary question to Agriculture Minister Alannah MacTiernan as to how the labour shortage will be addres...

Co-ordinated Pest Control Management vital

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers MLC Rick Mazza says an appropriate and timely response to Western Australia’s invasive plant and animal pests is required following the release of the Auditor General’s Managing the Impact of Plant and Animal Pests: Follow-up report. Mr Mazza said his Game and Feral Animal Control Bill 2018, which he read...

Environmental impact of Westport unavoidable and unacceptable

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers MLC Rick Mazza says the construction of a new container port in Kwinana is an unnecessary risk to the sustainability of local fishing stocks. Mr Mazza said as per the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website, Cockburn and Warnbro Sounds and Owen Anchorage are the site of the largest k...

Bushfire mitigation policies must remain

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers MLC Rick Mazza has warned against changing Western Australia’s successful bushfire mitigation policies after learning of a petition and campaign to severely restrict or cease the practice of prescribed burning in south-west forests. Mr Mazza said he understands an independent group of university academics a...

Abalone stocks at risk if translocation project not expanded

Agricultural Region MLC Rick Mazza of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party says an expansion of the Ocean Reef Marina abalone translocation project is urgently required to save Roe’s abalone stocks before they are lost forever. DevelopmentWA has provided $150,000 to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to mov...

Proposed law to outlaw vehicle devices a sneaky move

Agricultural MLC Rick Mazza of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party will challenge a proposed law in the Road Traffic (Impaired Driving and Penalties) Bill 2019 and is encouraging other Members of Parliament to do the same. The change, which could be debated this week, inserts proposed new section 111 (1) (b) into the Road Traffic Act ...

Mazza Leads Charge on Farm Legislation

Written by Aiden Smith for Farm Weekly TRESPASS laws, environmental green tape, the power of supermarkets in the supply chain and relocating lifestylers causing problems for farmers were hot topics in a debate over a motion put to State Parliament by Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party MP Rick Mazza. Mr Mazza, along with some Liberal memb...

Live export exemption vital for Trading Partners and Farmers

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party MLC Rick Mazza says it is vital the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment, a new Australian Government Department established on February 1, 2020, grant the exporter a permit to allow 56,000 sheep stranded at a Baldivis feedlot to depart for the Middle East. The sheep were set to depa...

Land Tax Relief to soften Economic Damage

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers MP Rick Mazza is calling for land tax relief for to help soften the devastating economic blow being felt from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Land tax is an annual tax on land not used as a principal place of residence.  Mr Mazza said because of the pandemic it could take years for a commercial landlord t...

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